Named for our off-shore islands, the Channel Islands Section has original roots in the Los Angles Section, www.la-mbca.com. A key milestone was the LA section’s 1977 Christmas dinner in the San Fernando Valley featuring the Don Ricardo band. During that event several future Channel Islands members were sitting together along with John and Mary Lou Quint of Thousand Oaks. During that event this small group planted seeds for a new MBCA section, focused toward Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Following several formative meetings it was decided to pursue a local section. Shortly thereafter a letter was drafted to the MBCA National Business Office www.mbca.org requesting that a local section be created. After several iterations regarding boundaries and other decisions by then National President Phil Parrino and the National Board, we received our charter on 21 July 1979. Founding members: Don & Francie Miller, John & Mary Lou Quint, Bob & Char Scudder, Kelly & Madelin Grant, Bert & Shirley Alton.
Section Highlights
First event: Santa Barbara/Santa Ynez Poker Rally 1979.
Clean Car Show: The Channel Islands Section pioneered this event in 1978; cover story in the STAR Magazine. The Clean Car Show has continued annually.
Monthly events focused on the Mercedes-Benz marque.
Featured events though the years include: Pismo Parade, Paso Robles Wine Tour www.pasowine.com, Death Valley Venture, www.nps.gov/deva Laughlin AVI Trek www.avicasino.com and the NAS Point Mugu beach weekend.